What tennis bag should you use?

by Jonas Eriksson

I have gotten questions about tennis bags from time to time. There are loads on the market. So what tennis bag should you use?

There are various types of bags to consider. Backpacks, 6-racquet bags, 9-racquet bags, 12-racquet bags, 15-racquet bags, rack pack bags, and more. In this vlog, I look at a few different types of bags and talk about the pros and cons. I also tell you what bag I use and why. But I’m a tennis nerd, I review racquets and often carry many racquets to the court for testing purposes. I also need space for a tripod for filming. But not all tennis players’ needs are the same. What tennis bag should you use?

It depends on how much stuff you bring to the court. This is what I try to bring (sometimes I forget stuff).

Things I bring to the tennis court

Electrolyte drink (usually tablets that I buy and add to water)
Dates or bananas (sports gel also works)
Tennis balls (one can of fresh balls, one that is used once/twice) – I mainly use HEAD Tour XT
Tennis racquets (obviously)
Tennis shoes
Hand sanitizer
Airpods pro (I like to listen to podcasts or music before and after a session)
Medical tape (for my blisters and cuts on my fingers) – in winter
Suncream – in summer
Resistance bands (for warm-up, I rarely have time to use them though)
Baseball cap

That’s pretty much it. Sounds like an extensive list, but I know players who bring a lot more.

What bag do I use?

Right now I use a Dunlop Performance SX 12-pack bag. It’s sturdy, seems to have a high build quality, and has a lot of compartments for stuff. Before that, I used the Angell racquet bag, which is almost perfect in size (not as big as some of the bulky 12-racquet bags, but more room than a 6).

Some players like backpacks and then the Cancha bag is an interesting solution. It actually covers the handles of the racquets (it’s shaped like a guitar bag) and has modules you can add for more storage.

I will also review Geau Sports bags, a new tennis racquet bag on the market in a near future.

I hope you like this slightly different type of video. What kind of review or content would you like to see next? And what racquet bag do you use? Please comment below.


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1 comment

James January 16, 2021 - 03:31

Your hands crack due to (over)use of the hand sanitizers, not due to climate :)
Add a tube of hand lotion to that huge bag and forget about the tape.


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