Home Health Nutrition and hydration for tennis players

Nutrition and hydration for tennis players

by Jonas Eriksson

To excel in tennis, players must be in peak physical condition. Let’s look at nutrition and hydration for tennis players.

Nutrition and hydration for tennis players

Before we get into nutrition and hydration for tennis players, we can take a look at a few players who have gone into this from the business side of things.

Rafael Nadal recently introduced his own line of food supplements aimed at athletes before, during and after exercise called NDL Pro-Health. This is a joint project with Cantabria Labs, a leading laboratory in the healthcare sector.

Novak Djokovic is an investor and ambassador for hydration brand Waterdrop, while Roger Federer is connected to more traditional brands for now like Moet and Chandon champagne, Barilla pasta and Jura coffee.

1. Carbohydrates: The Primary Fuel

Carbohydrates serve as the primary energy source for tennis players. Stored as glycogen in the muscles, they provide the fuel for short bursts of energy during intense rallies.

Pre-match: Before a match, players often consume a carb-rich meal about 3-4 hours before they hit the court. This might include pasta, rice, or quinoa paired with lean proteins.
During the match: Many players consume energy gels or small carbohydrate-rich snacks like bananas during changeovers to maintain energy levels.

2. Proteins: Repair and Recovery

While carbohydrates fuel performance, proteins are essential for recovery. They repair muscle tissues that get damaged during intense physical activity.

Daily intake: Top players consume lean proteins like chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes. They aim for about 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily, distributed across meals and snacks.

Post-match: Recovery shakes or meals rich in protein are consumed within the 30-minute window post-match to optimize muscle repair.

3. Fats: A Secondary Energy Source

Healthy fats play a role in extended energy release, hormone production, and nutrient absorption. Many tennis pros’ diets include Avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

4. Hydration: More than Just Water

Dehydration can severely impact a player’s reaction time, endurance, and recovery.

Electrolytes: Players lose essential minerals through sweat. Sports drinks or electrolyte tablets help replenish lost sodium, potassium, and magnesium.
Water: While sports drinks are essential, pure water remains a significant part of players’ hydration strategy. Players often begin matches well-hydrated and continue to sip water during changeovers.

5. Micronutrients: The Unsung Heroes

Vitamins and minerals play vital roles in energy production and muscle function. Top players ensure a balanced intake through whole foods, supplements, and fortified foods.

6. Anti-inflammatory Foods

To manage inflammation from rigorous matches and training sessions, many pros incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into their diets. Berries, turmeric, ginger, and green tea are favorites due to their natural antioxidant properties.

7. Individualized Nutrition Plans

With the help of sports nutritionists, many top players adopt individualized meal plans based on their unique needs, match schedules, and even the climates in which they’re playing. Personalized diets consider factors such as metabolic rate, allergies, and gut health.

8. Avoiding Processed Foods

Most elite players limit or eliminate processed foods, refined sugars, and excessive caffeine to maintain peak physical health. They focus on whole foods that provide a steady release of energy.

9. The Importance of Timing

For tennis pros, when they eat is almost as crucial as what they eat. Regular meals and snacks ensure a consistent energy supply. This approach avoids energy lulls if too much time elapses between meals.

10. Mental Well-being and Diet

Emerging research suggests a gut-brain connection, indicating that what players eat can impact their mental well-being. Probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, and foods rich in tryptophan (like turkey and nuts) might promote brain health and positive mood.


Optimal nutrition and hydration strategies are foundational for top-ranking tennis professionals. These athletes craft a dietary regimen supporting their physical and mental game by combining science with individual preferences. Their approach offers insights for budding tennis players and anyone looking to optimize their performance in any endeavor.

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