Tommy Haas returned

by Jonas Eriksson

Sorry for the pun on your name, Tommy. I’m sure it’s not the first time you’ve heard that.

But it’s sure nice to see him back on the courts, playing amazingly well at the less tender age of 35. Beating Djokovic in Miami wasn’t a one-off – Haas has been playing consistently well over months now and reached nr 14 in the world. Sometimes we forget this stylish player was ranked number two in the world at one time.

This is how the current rankings graph for Tommy Haas looks like:

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Looking good, Tommy!

Now he’s up against Ivan Dodig in the semi-finals of BMW Open in Munich. He’s my favorite there, although Ivan has been playing very well. Kohlschreiber is playing Daniel Brands in the other semi-final, should be an all-German final at BMW Open.

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