What’s Up?

by Jonas Eriksson

This week’s what’s up.

What’s up Ernest Gulbis? You’re losing first rounds left and right. What’s up with that? You need to get your shit together man! Hire a new coach. Stop drinking. Get yourself in shape. Wasted talent is a horrible thing to see.

What’s up Fernando Verdasco? Weren’t you going to show Milos Raonic how to win on clay? You got to start winning again. Beat those confidence demons away with that beautiful forehand of yours. We know you can do better than this!

What’s up Roger Federer? Please show all the doubters that this is not your “decline” but only a period of rest from major titles!

What’s up John Isner? I thought you were ready to take the tennis world by storm with your serve and power game? Show me I’m wrong!

And finally, what’s up Donald Young? Seriously, WHAT’S UP?


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