Upcoming Volkl Racquet Reviews

by Jonas Eriksson

I have some upcoming Volkl racquet reviews. But before those, please listen to my podcast with Volkl promotions manager, Nick Mitchell.

Upcoming Volkl Racquet Reviews

I haven’t reviewed a Volkl racquet in a while and that’s why I’m excited about these upcoming Volkl racquet reviews involving the Volkl V8 Pro, the Volkl C10 Evo and the Volkl V1 Evo. I will also be testing some Volkl strings in these racquets.

But before I can publish these reviews, I want you to listen to my recent podcast with Volkl promotions manager, Nick Mitchell. Nick is an ex-pro player who used to be sponsored by Volkl (he then used the iconic C10 Pro, but is now playing with the V8 Pro for easier power and spin). In our conversation, we talk about new Volkl products, his playing career and what tennis can do better to grow the game.

You can listen to my podcast with Nick below or on your favorite podcast player like iTunes or Spotify. Just search for Tennisnerd.

New Volkl Racquets

I have detailed the specs of the new Volkl racquets here. I’m keen to hear which racquet you are most curious about. It seems like most players are interested in a lighter C10 Pro, which is where the C10 Evo comes in. But the V1 is also a classic. And the specs look excellent on the V1 Evo.

I will string up these racquets and start my play-testing phase. For first impressions, make sure to check out my Tennisnerd members page on Patreon.  Running Tennisnerd takes a LOT of time and effort, so I appreciate your support!

That is all for now, don’t forget to play some tennis!



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Brad January 29, 2023 - 20:18

I am looking foward to your reviews on the new Volkl frames. I was wondering about unstrung specifications of the frames. I went to look them up on TW Europe and noticed the frames are not listed. (I wish the US based TW would list the unstrung specs like their European partners do.) What is your opinion on this? How do you feel about the different marketing strategies between TW USA and Europe?

Tom January 29, 2023 - 20:25

Hi Jonas

Good interview with Nick Mitchell, the Promotions manager of Volkl and the idea of building the tennis community. Hopefully he can get together with other Volkl distributors around the world to promote the brand.

Stephan January 30, 2023 - 14:21

I absolutely agree. I feel like Volkl is a much underrated brand. Unlike many other manufacturers, they do offer a wide range of different racquets for all levels and playing styles. And their vibration dampening system actually works. I have been playing with Volkl’s Super G 8 racquets for years now, and I can string them even with super stiff polyester strings in thicker gauges without any arm isues. Before that, I had a history of arm and wrist injuries, and switching to Volkl solved that at least for me. Also, the quality of the paint on my Volkl racquets has been second to none, hardly any chipping after 6 years of intense tennis.

Daniel Silva January 30, 2023 - 21:57

I used to distribute the Volkl brand in my country some years ago, always great products and i still play with Volkl, i will do a playtest of the Volkl C10 Evo next week, it seems rigth in my spec zone, looking forward for your review tho!

Steven January 31, 2023 - 10:57

Really like Volkl, but feel they have moved away from their niche of good intermediate upwards.
10 numbering on rackets but up to 8 even higher the head size doesn’t vary much off 100sqinch and low stiffness is really only in upper numbers.
No 95 sqinch head in new lines. I have pb10 93 sqin low stiff but this is over 10 years old. Screaming out for a 95 or more 98.
Too much range for lower ability players and less for better in imo. Looks like they might be addressing this with re-release c10pro etc. This is where they stand out on legendary frames like c10 pro. need more variety on upper numbers of frames

Stephan January 31, 2023 - 13:57

I do agree with your analysis.

Scriabin February 1, 2023 - 12:11

Although C10 pro is 330gr weight, it does not feel like a heavy racquet because of its +8 head light make it highly manouverable. Many of my teammates always say they do not like heavy racquets (they play with <310gr racquets), but when they play my C10 pro they love it! I believe everybody should give a test to this racquet in spite of ts weight.

Matt Soop February 6, 2023 - 22:14

Would be keen to read more about the V1 MP and what string to put on it for arm-friendly performance. Poly at 50 lbs?

Alec Wasa February 8, 2023 - 07:43

I used to play with the V1 Pro Sense version for many years. Loved it. Now a bit older I need more power and have shifted to more tweener type frames.

Makes me wonder why Volkl does not offer a typical 300 gram , powerful tweener? With their great tech , the racquet would probably be more comfortable than other tweeners.

I think they offer a surprising high number of frames for beginners and then they jump straight to more advanced level players.

The V8 is not a tweener and offers nowhere near the stability of for example an Ezone 100. The 16*18 string pattern is not ideal I think.

For sure the largest market would be for frames 285 – 305 grams (unstrung)…..?

If Volkl would “Volklify” the Ezone 100, I would buy it straightaway !!


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